What is CRO?

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the practice of testing and implementing site or app enhancements on an ongoing basis, with the goal of increasing conversions and return on investment.

Our 3 step CRO process


CRO Analysis

We kickstart with a quick yet detailed analysis of your site to identify all the factors affecting the conversion rate.


Continuous Optimization

Each month, we zoom into a specific aspect of your digital presence, applying a laser- focused strategy to enhance user experience and drive conversions.


Impact Measurement

We study the impact on key conversion metrics giving you have clear view of the improvement achieved.

Our end-to-end CRO process
converts your traffic into revenue

Heuristic and User
Experience (UX) Analysis

User Interaction

Navigation and Layout

Content and Readability

Design Elements

Forms and Errors

Security and Trust

Technical and
Analytics Review

Site Performance

SEO & Site Architecture

Device Compatibility

Data and Analytics

Checkout and Transaction

Security and Reliability

Conversion Funnel
and Competitive Analysis

Conversion Funnel Analysis

SEO and site Architecture

Site Usability

Product Page Evaluation

Customer Support

Trust and social proof


Navyasa, from Aditya Birla Group, targets modern women aged 25-44 for digital success in the crowded online women's clothing market.


Navyasa needed to boost digital sales amid intense competition and unconverted high-profile collaborations.

What We Did:

Our evaluation covered high-traffic operations and user decisions. We analyzed Navyasa's website, brand, marketing, and design for conversion insights.


The analysis and strategy improved Navyasa's digital presence and profitability, increasing their Return on Ad Spend from 0.5
to 2.


GameNation is a dynamic marketplace to trade new and used games, consoles and PC equipment.


Being a large website, GameNation wanted to focus on making its UX more straightforward and seamless for its audience.

What We Did:

This was a comprehensive evaluation of high-traffic business operations and various touch points that impacted user decisions.


These multi-dimensional insights and applied strategies resulted in a commendable 15% increase in business profits.


CROCS partnered with us to boost online visibility and sales in the competitive Middle Eastern market, aiming to replicate in-store success digitally.

The Challenge:

Despite its strong retail presence, CROCS struggled online in GCC countries due to low returns on digital ad investments, market saturation, and ineffective online marketing strategies.

What We Did:

Our analysis and strategic adjustments improved CROCS' website, enhancing user experience and boosting online sales. This transformed CROCS's digital presence, setting a new benchmark in the competitive footwear market.


Our targeted improvements led to a remarkable Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) of 12, significantly increasing the efficiency of CROCS's digital marketing investments.


Delhi Skin Centre is a leading dermatology and aesthetic clinic, with a primary aim of enhancing skin health and beauty.

The Ask:

Delhi Skin Centre aimed to revamp its digital presence to showcase services, engage patients, and streamline user experience for better lead generation and conversion.

What We Did:

We reviewed the website for SEO, content, and user experience. Our strategy optimized over 80 pages, leading to increased visibility, engagement, and revenue for Delhi Skin Centre.


5 figures in additional monthly revenue. 50% reduction in Cost per Acquisition (CPA)

Business impact


return on
investment delivered




reduction in
checkout drop-offs


jump in


increase in average
order value (AOV)


in CPA

FAQ's on CRO services

What exactly is Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)?

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is a systematic approach to increasing the percentage of website visitors who take a desired action such as making a purchase, subscribing to a newsletter, or any other goal of your website. It involves understanding how users move through your site, what actions they take, and what's stopping them from completing your goals..

Why is CRO important for my business?

CRO is crucial because it allows you to lower your customer acquisition costs by getting more value from the visitors and customers you already have. By optimizing your conversion rate you can increase revenue per visitor, acquire more customers, and grow your business.

How do you identify areas for improvement on my website?

We use a combination of heuristic analysis, user experience (UX) evaluations, technical reviews, and conversion funnel analysis to identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement. This process includes analyzing user behavior, assessing site navigation, checking content clarity, evaluating technical performance, and much more.

Can you guarantee an increase in my conversion rates?

While no agency can guarantee specific results due to the many variables at play, we can assure you that our strategies are based on proven methods and deep analysis. Our case studies reflect the positive impacts we've achieved for our clients through meticulous optimization efforts..

How long does it take to see results from CRO?

The timeframe for seeing tangible results from CRO initiatives can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of the website, the specific goals set, and the depth of changes required. Typically, initial improvements can be observed within the first few months of implementing targeted optimizations.

Do you offer ongoing CRO services?

Yes, we believe CRO is a continuous process of testing and optimization for long-term success. We offer ongoing CRO services to ensure your digital platforms are consistently aligned with user expectations and business goals, adapting to changes in customer behavior and market dynamics.

How do you measure the success of your CRO efforts?

Success is measured using a variety of metrics, including but not limited to, conversion rate, bounce rate, average order value, and revenue per visitor. We also look at qualitative feedback from user interactions and satisfaction surveys to gain a holistic view of the improvements.

What makes your CRO services different from others?

Our approach is comprehensive, data-driven, and tailored to each client's unique business needs. We not only focus on improving conversion rates but also on enhancing the overall user experience, which we believe is key to sustainable growth. Our case studies demonstrate our commitment to delivering measurable results.

How do we get started with your CRO services?

Getting started is simple. Reach out to us via the contact information provided at the end of this presentation. We'll schedule an initial consultation to discuss your goals, challenges, and assess your current digital presence. From there, we'll propose a customized strategy to meet your specific needs.

Let's give your brand a distinctive voice.
